вторник, 31 мая 2011 г.

josef mengele experiments

josef mengele experiments. josef mengele experiments. The Nazi doctor Josef Mengele; The Nazi doctor Josef Mengele. mccldwll. Apr 28, 10:09 PM
  • josef mengele experiments. The Nazi doctor Josef Mengele; The Nazi doctor Josef Mengele. mccldwll. Apr 28, 10:09 PM

  • BornAgainMac
    Jun 23, 10:19 AM
    I would have expected future Macs to have conversational speech from you to the OS and from the OS back to you in addition to mouse and keyboard input. If it was like Dashboard for touch access then I wouldn't mind that either.

    I would hate to see the traditional Mac go away.

    josef mengele experiments. At the time, Mengele was only
  • At the time, Mengele was only

  • appleguy123
    Jun 22, 04:34 PM
    it is the only product now to start with the "i" and not run the "i"OS.

    iPod? iLife? iSight? iWork? The i naming scheme is more pervasive than it appears.

    josef mengele experiments. josef mengele experiments. Joseph+mengele+experiments; Joseph+mengele+experiments. PhantomPumpkin. Apr 21, 08:42 AM. Any links for that claim?
  • josef mengele experiments. Joseph+mengele+experiments; Joseph+mengele+experiments. PhantomPumpkin. Apr 21, 08:42 AM. Any links for that claim?

  • macFanDave
    Jul 18, 12:23 PM
    WWDC is about "developers, developers, developers, developers!"

    What I have heard about Leopard and the Mac Pro is so exciting, I don't want to see them upstaged by iPod/iTMS movies news. I haven't even seen much on the Intel version of Xserves, so I can expect that I might see some news on that issue.

    I hope to hear the iPod and iTMS news, but at a different venue.

    josef mengele experiments. victim of Joseph Mengele#39;s
  • victim of Joseph Mengele#39;s

  • macman312
    Mar 22, 07:23 PM
    Do people seriously have that many songs?!!! seriously?!!!

    220gb = 50,000 songs?!!!!! That is totally not necessary.

    Apple discontinue that dinosaur! It makes you look bad to just have it on your website.

    WHY?? I bought a ipod touch 8GB with my new macbook pro... but I should've got a classic I have 70GB of music and videos. The only reason I got a touch is because I like the games but if I get a iphone 5 I will also get a classic .
    Also I have a old ipod video and you can use it as a 80GB portable harddrive. I will also email steve jobs.... is it sjobs@apple.com or steve@apple.com?

    josef mengele experiments. The diaries of Josef Mengele,
  • The diaries of Josef Mengele,

  • jxyama
    Mar 21, 06:14 PM
    sorry to say, bud, but it won't matter much even if 100,000 signs an online petition...

    apple is one of the healthier computer hardware companies out there and probably needs no "saving"...

    and people aren't signing it for a reason... perhaps they don't agree with the petition to begin with?

    josef mengele experiments. josef mengele experiments. Search For Mengele; Search For Mengele. mrkjsn. Oct 27, 06:37 PM. Stolen from a Mini forum.
  • josef mengele experiments. Search For Mengele; Search For Mengele. mrkjsn. Oct 27, 06:37 PM. Stolen from a Mini forum.

  • CIA
    Apr 12, 08:51 PM
    They output to tape because they cannot grasp the concept that tape became obsolete a decade ago (and the ones who can grasp it are stuck dealing with others who demand delivery and archive on tape.)

    I hate getting tape as delivery, but man I love it for archive. Tape sticks around while hard drives and burned data DVD's fail all the time.

    What? Am I supposed to move over 6TB of archived video packages into the cloud? Hows that gonna work?

    josef mengele experiments. josef mengele experiments.
  • josef mengele experiments.

  • ejl10
    Sep 1, 01:26 PM
    Anyone care to speculate on prices?

    What's the price difference between the 20" ACD and the 23" one?

    josef mengele experiments. Josef Mengele with members
  • Josef Mengele with members

  • ohaithar
    Nov 27, 12:48 AM
    This poster

    josef mengele experiments. right: Dr. Josef Mengele,
  • right: Dr. Josef Mengele,

  • ^^ CoolMacLover
    Mar 1, 01:24 AM
    *All them pics and words etc*

    I. Love. This. Room. ^_^ I'm going to steal it! :D MUHAHAHAH!

    josef mengele experiments. +josef+mengele+experiments
  • +josef+mengele+experiments

  • bdj21ya
    Oct 23, 07:14 PM
    Along with the macbook and MB pro getting updates, for $14.95 you can download an ipod nano or ipod patch/software that lets you listen to FM radio without having to purchase the radio remote. Interface is the same as with the remote.

    Haha! I'm sure no hardware (e.g. FM Tuner) is neccessary. Yeah Right!

    josef mengele experiments. josef mengele experiments.
  • josef mengele experiments.

  • Clive At Five
    Nov 28, 10:37 AM
    Microsoft lost billions on the Xbox and likely to lose hundreds of millions on their Zune attempt. iPod sales have been profitable for Apple since their introduction. How one measures success in this industry can't always be marketshare.

    Yes, the XBox was sold at a loss, but now they are a powerful and permanent player in the multi-billion-dollar gaming console industry. They'll make back their billions by the time "XBox 2πr" comes out.

    The Zune is a different story:

    [Zune] will have to win on features and integration -- so they are pretty much doomed. They have essentially bet the whole farm on the wireless exchange.

    Nail on head, my friend. Nail on head.

    See ya later, Zune.


    josef mengele experiments. Unfortunately, Dr. Mengele
  • Unfortunately, Dr. Mengele

  • Nym
    Nov 30, 10:31 AM
    Microsoft owns nothing of Apple, just to make that clear, and of course they don't Apple to succeed... they want it to sink. :)

    The fact that M$ owns a portion of Apple is a myth, not true.

    josef mengele experiments. One of his experiments
  • One of his experiments

  • jettredmont
    Aug 16, 01:31 PM
    The post says apple is going to compete with Zune because everyone knows almost everything about zune, with the exception of having a physical zune apple can at least stay on top by brining in inovative features before zune has them.

    Back in the day, the fact that we already know everything about an unreleased product was called marketing vaporware, and it was considered a bad thing ...

    Until Zune is out, Apple is already "caught up" with it, and is in fact ahead (no technology available is always technologically inferior to any technology available, to paraphrase McNealy). Don't buy into Microsoft's hype machine. They always use it to buy themselves a year in the marketplace, at the cost of us consumers.

    josef mengele experiments. +josef+mengele+experiments
  • +josef+mengele+experiments

  • xUKHCx
    Mar 25, 03:44 PM
    That looks really impressive, makes me want to buy an iPad 2 (or a playstation :D).

    josef mengele experiments. josef mengele experiments. Josef+mengele+experiments+; Josef+mengele+experiments+. AppliedVisual. Oct 30, 09:30 PM. This doesn#39;t have anything to do with
  • josef mengele experiments. Josef+mengele+experiments+; Josef+mengele+experiments+. AppliedVisual. Oct 30, 09:30 PM. This doesn#39;t have anything to do with

  • Killyp
    Aug 24, 06:44 PM
    ...I will admit that stranger things have happened.

    Like this?


    gawd i hope i don't get banned for that!

    josef mengele experiments. josef mengele experiments.
  • josef mengele experiments.

  • swingerofbirch
    Jul 18, 02:45 AM
    I think there already are online download rental sites, presumably for WMP a la Windows.

    Rental makes more sense if the quality is comparable to the current shows they offer. Plus if you buy a movie, with the restrictions the way they are, you most likely won't be able to burn it to a DVD to watch on the plasmas everyone seems to be getting.

    And if this truly is a service for some sort of iPod, then they won't be offering HD movies unless of course by some miracle they have an HD screen in the iPod (although HD at any conceivably sized iPod screen would be a waste).

    I actually would like a subscription service for both movies and TV shows. I have spent way more than I care to think about on TV series, and honestly I can only watch them but so many times. What do I do with them now? I "own" them, but as we all know, I can't sell them.

    josef mengele experiments. camp doctor Josef Mengele
  • camp doctor Josef Mengele

  • 42streetsdown
    Apr 26, 08:38 PM
    I think Apple deserves to trademark the word App or App Store. When I see App Store, I think Apple. Companies who effectively steal Apples hard work should be made to change their name because I believe Apple did make mainstream use of the word, I had never heard anyone say App before the App store.

    I guess you can argue that "App Store" is something Apple came up with. However, the word "app" has been used in the phase "killer app" since the dawn of personal computing. It's a pretty common abbreviation for Application software

    josef mengele experiments. and Josef Mengele
  • and Josef Mengele

  • poppe
    Jul 14, 12:20 PM
    Early June. Its middle of July. Where is it? Wheres the player? They're showing of a prototype disc? Its world away from ever reaching my computer.

    So one company doesn't display it that means that the other companies that are working on it couldn't have it out by end of 2006/early 2007 as I stated earlier?

    Dell didn't release a workstation. Hp must not either

    josef mengele experiments. josef mengele experiments.
  • josef mengele experiments.

  • hollerz
    Feb 18, 11:38 AM
    It just gets better when the OP insists on quoting images after starting a thread with that very rule written in it!

    And posts the same picture of his setup that's in the last thread, in this one, despite telling everyone not to :rolleyes:

    Nov 28, 05:00 PM
    How much money can Microsoft possibly dump into trying to destroy Apple?

    Apr 20, 01:10 PM
    what's the first letter in imac?

    An all-in-one computer is just another consumer device. Bring on the Mac Pros

    Intel won't have new Mac Pro CPUs available until fall. It's a strange way to run a company actually. Release the consumer stuff first and wait most of the year to give the pros something that beats the consumer stuff. Then a couple months later release new consumer stuff that matches the vastly more expensive pro stuff. Seems backward to everyone except Intel.

    I think that's one of the reasons why Apple has held off with the iMac upgrade. They wanted the MacBook Pro to be ahead for a few months because it's a "pro" model line.

    To the person who claimed iMac was held back because of the chipset defect, they obviously haven't counted the high speed SATA channels correctly. The 27" iMac only uses two (SSD and HD). A slot loading optical drive is pretty much the slowest device you can put in a computer these days and can be run off any crap bus.

    Feb 21, 07:28 PM
    need a new and bigger desk, workin on it

    Mar 28, 08:04 AM
    reasons your wrong
    1. he didnt make up a word of it
    2. apple made safari before ms pulled ie
    3.the ipod has a long time to go their not going to just say screw it when its selling
    4.ITMS is making them money after the record companies are paid back for the use of the songs every cent is profit
    5. less than 20 people have signed your petition and do you really think its going to get apple to change their entire strategyi can see it now steve jobs sees our online pettion and immediatly calls a meating "i just had an appihany some kid said to make a cheap computer that hooks up to your tv weve been completely wrong all theese yearsapple is now only going to make web tv type systems and nothing else my god what have i been doing"

    I'm not getting into a "your right and Im wrong" discussion. The whole point of this thread is to get Apple to make a cheap Mac so they can tackle the cheap $500 market. Its killing them

    Oct 17, 09:58 PM
    here's a case i bought off of ebay for 2 dollars. pretty plain http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=350395819686&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT#ht_4233wt_905

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